As of January 11, 2021, the DOT/FAA/Airlines have Banned Emotional Support Animals from domestic flights. If you wish to fly with your Emotional Support Animal, you will have to register it as a PET - and the fees can range anywhere from $65 to $150 -- per flight. There is generally a limit to the number of PETS that are allowed on any one flight - so MAKE sure you verify with the airlines to fly with your now considered "PET".

Service Animals still fly for free! However, you must fill out several forms - submit them to the Airline - and wait for approval. Most airlines require at least 48 hours advance notice and document upload to their particular server. This is generally an involved task that is not for the faint of heart.

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Verify a Registration

According to the ruling set forth by the ADA (American's with Disabilities Act), a person does not have to identify / reveal anything about having a service animal other than the three following conditions:

a. Is this a service animal
b. Do you have a disability that requires a service animal.
c. Does this animal have specialized training to help / assist you with your disability.

We realize that not everyone is trained regarding the handling of individuals with service animals, so this page has been established to assist you in identifing if the person you are dealing with, is in fact registered with the United Service Animal Registry.

Registration Number (9 numeric characters)
Last Name:
Show me ID Card
Show me Certificate
Show me Handler Card

    Copyright @2006-2024, United Service Animal Registry ( All Rights Reserved.
    USARplus ( @2006-2024