As of January 11, 2021, the DOT/FAA/Airlines have Banned Emotional Support Animals from domestic flights. If you wish to fly with your Emotional Support Animal, you will have to register it as a PET - and the fees can range anywhere from $65 to $150 -- per flight. There is generally a limit to the number of PETS that are allowed on any one flight - so MAKE sure you verify with the airlines to fly with your now considered "PET".

Service Animals still fly for free! However, you must fill out several forms - submit them to the Airline - and wait for approval. Most airlines require at least 48 hours advance notice and document upload to their particular server. This is generally an involved task that is not for the faint of heart.

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      Evaluating What Makes A Medical Condition An ADA-Qualifying Disability

      There is no list spelling out exactly which medical conditions are qualifying disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Most medical conditions that you may automatically consider a covered disability are not, in fact, "automatic." Each situation must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

      The determination of whether an individual has a disability is not necessarily based on the name or diagnosis of the impairment, but rather on the effect of that impairment on the life of the individual. The same types of impairments often vary in severity and often restrict different people to different degrees or in different ways. Some impairments may be disabling for particular individuals but not for others, depending on the stage of the disease or disorder, the presence of other impairments that combine to make the impairment disabling, or any number of other factors.

      To help you make the determination of whether or not an your disability qualifies under the ADA, here are a series of fact sheets on how the ADA applies to medical conditions. Here is some guidance on how to determine whether and when some common medical conditions qualify for ADA protection.

      Substantial Limitation Of A Major Life Activity

      Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an impairment rises to the level of a disability if it substantially limits a major life activity.



      The following pages will provide a comprehensive list of many (but not all) types of disabilities and definitions that will qualify you under the protection of the ADA of 1990 and the ADAA of 2008.

    To Verify if a Service Animal/Therapy Animal is REGISTERED on this site Click Here

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      The product you are ordering is "Customized" to your animal with critical information for that animal only. As a result, we cannot "resell" the product if it is returned. Once you have purchased the product and it has been delivered, you agree to a NO CHARGEBACK rule. USARplus ( will do everything in its power to make you happy - we will reprint or resend the product should you not get delivery.

      We stand behind our products, and if we make a mistake on your order we will reship replacements. However, it is important that you review your order carefully yourself to ensure that you didn't make any spelling or date mistakes as we cannot provide refunds for your ID cards once they are made and shipped.

      We follow the Return and Reprint policies as stated by Amazon. We will reship your order, if you don't receive it, within the first 90 (ninety) days. After the 90 day period has expired, there will be a $25.00 reprint fee. All of our orders are shipped with USPS tracking, and that tracking number is emailed to you when your package is shipped. If you do not notify us within 90 days that you have not received your package, then the reprint fee may apply. We cannot be responsible for any package shipped over 1 year.

      Refunds will only be honored in the first 72 hours (3 Business days/hours) of the order process date and time. After 72 hours, we will issue a "store credit" only. Due to our financial institution limitations, we are not allow to refund money after a three day period.

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